Cavaliers and Roundheads

by Bloc Party

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:31 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Hunting For Witches Single

Song Author

Bloc Party

Tabbed by

Josh Graham


1st → Russell Lissack
2nd → Gordon Moakes
3rd → Matt Tongn
4th → Kele Okereke Vocals
5th → Kele Okereke

File Size

61 KB




Three is ev-i-l The most evil of all the num-bers Coarse and h-ate-ful Full of un-rest and ne-glect (Hey!) When they g-et here You be-come som-e-one el-se Cruel and d-is-tant A Cav-a-lier to my Round-head And as you make Your pr-e-t-ty spe-ech (Hey!) se-e-the (Like Ve-su-vi-us) With rea-son drowned by to-xic thoughts I'm going to the dark s-ide 'cau-se... Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you I want r-ep-a-r-a-tions The streets to run with your blood I want the lime-light back I want it ba-ck There is no rea-son to pre-t-end That were clo-ser than this (Hey!) I know that you know that I know that you know I would ra-ther claw out your ey-es With rea-son drowned by to-xic thoughts I'm going to the dark s-ide 'cau-se... Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you I want r-ep-a-r-a-tions The streets to run with your blood I want the lime-light back I want it ba-ck Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you Some-times I want to hurt you I want r-ep-a-r-a-tions The streets to run with your blood I want the lime-light back I want it ba-ck